Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sitting in the class today...i dozed off listening to the melancholy lecture...and while my thoughts strayed around for a flash of a second...a lot of things suddenly came to my mind simultaneously...i donno why i suddenly went back into thoughts of my school days...those chilly winter days when i used to steal the black rose from the garden for my class teacher and my grandma used to yell at me from the window while i used to run for my rickshaw... i loved those foggy mornings....although hated when we had to leave the quilt to get ready...but once we were out of our was lovely...the feel of cold icy breeze on my noses....blowing air from our mouths into our hands to keep them uniforms...gloves.... stockings rolled down...short skirts and blazers...looked so smart....and i loved my school garden and the playground....fog used to hover over them...the playground full of neem trees felt even colder than it actually was...and a little peep of the sun was like ...yayyyy....i am so much in love with the the look and feel of the season...the woolens...the chai coffee sessions...which we were not allowed wen we  were younger....and the best part was nobody would scold you if you dint take bath...:D :D and nobody would say anything if i would make golu sleep on my bed...even he needed some warmth...and he used to become so fluffy in winters....and all my clothes and pullovers were full of his white hair and mom would keep yelling every time we cuddled together...many a times i was made to sit beside him on floor with a katora...:P... siblings...:D

And when we would come back from school mommy would make us cozy and treat us to hot steaming tea and food...:)
afternoon meant peanut and chikki sessions in the mild warm caressing sun...and we would bring stray puppies in our lawns and play with them...or maybe kids or kitten or even rabbits if there were no newborn puppies...:P
Such were the days...the most beautiful carefree days of my life....Sunday mornings meant a full buffet of breakfast including jalebis, omlet, poha, bournvita...:) moms are the best....yet we never acknowledge them until we separate from moms the best mom...i miss her so much...met her after an year this time and yet she treated me like i was her very pampered should never grow...its so good till one is in the shadow of parents changes so much once you start taking your decisions...

My thoughts are all haphazard...things are randomly popping into my head...
I am strangely missing today this weird tree called bottle brush in my house. Its tall with branches falling like those of palm trees with needle like pointed leaves and crazy blood red brush like cylindrical flowers...I still dont kow why i was always attracted towards used to bloom in winters and the first thing i looked at was this tree when i opened the door...maybe because its beauty inspite of all its strangeness seemed to welcome me to a new morning...loved staring at the contrast of its colours for hours together and different small birds hopping around on its branches...and the smell of dewy air and mist... :) we were so enthusiastic about everything in it geography and chemistry,my favorite subjects in the tim table that day, or be it moms declaration of preparing chhole bhature for the dinner...or the cycle ride to the cassette shop...:)

i miss those days so much....i so much wish i could bring them back
Have always been a nature lover...was always found in my one of the two gardens when i was lost...i loved digging the mud and used to make small boundaries and plant small flowers in it...and would call it my own garden..:)...there were trees of hibiscus, 4 o clock, petunia, roses, lily, spider lily, pansy and dahlias and asters and other shrubs....i used to find them so amusing and inviting i would spend hours and hours playing in the garden gathering fallen flowers and leaves...Such beautiful was the simple...yet so carefree and blissful...
Then there were those flowers which have white petals and brilliant orange stem(still don't know their name)...The creeper was in my neighbour uncle's garden but had conveniently encroached our garden's boundary wall...every morning one of my ritual was to gahter the flowers fallen from them onto our own moneyplant flowers smelled so brilliant that we used to keep a few in every room and they would keep giving out faint scent for hours together...

Another favorite of mine was having softy in teeth would freeze from cold but it aint stop me from having ice creams...and when i grew old further....and started studying without mom dad's help, I would have night outs in drawing room with a cozy lamp, a quilt and a thermos of coffee...and this process went on till my IIT-JEE exam...:)

Loafing around on my two wheeler was another of my favorite pass-time...though i would never checkout guys...I was too scared to do so...except for this guy whom I liked in my coaching....he was really really good looking...and I was head over heels in love....used to wait hours after the class just to catch a glimpse of him...and we just smiled...that's all...:),,,guess what...we are still friends....:)...and very good ones, except that I feel really stupid that I fell for that idiot once upon a time...:)...
how things then thats how life is...CHANGE...i don like them at all...

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