Monday, February 7, 2011

Ode to kitty...

That way look, my infant, lo!
What a pretty baby-show!
See the kitten on the wall,
sporting with the leaves that fall.
Withered leaves - one - two and three
from the lofty elder tree.
Though the calm and frosty air,
of this morning bright and fair.
Eddying round and round they sink,
softly, slowly; one might think.
From the motions that are made,
every little leaf conveyed
Sylph or Faery hither tending,
to this lower world descending.
Each invisible and mute,
in his wavering parachute.
But the Kitten, how she starts,
crouches, stretches, paws, and darts!
First at one, and then its fellow,
just as light and just as yellow.
There are many now - now one,
now they stop and there are none:
What intenseness of desire,
in her upward eye of fire!
With a tiger-leap half-way,
now she meets the coming prey.
lets it go as fast, and then;
Has it in her power again.
Now she works with three or four,
like an Indian conjuror;
quick as he in feats of art,
far beyond in joy of heart.
Where her antics played in the eye,
of a thousand standers-by,
clapping hands with shout and stare,
what would little Tabby care!
For the plaudits of the crowd?
Over happy to be proud,
over wealthy in the treasure
of her exceeding pleasure!
                                        -William Wordsworth

What a graceful creature feline is...furry, soft pawed, velvet eared, bush tailed...and she has the eyes of the wildest colors possible...the musical purr is worth dying for....Irrespective of all shapes and sizes...the first love of a kitty has always been cupboards......if she absconding on a wintry your closets in and out...and there she would be...happy cuddled in your favorite pullover, dead asleep....Se needs the warmest of the places in the winters just like the coolest of all in the summers...And she ll show you her love by soft purring...rubbing her whiskers to your cheek...cuddling and clinging around your feet...
Ever seen a cat walking? The sensual walk...The CAT WALK...gracefully moving her body...she looks like a miniature cheetah...

Some cats are lazy
while other cats
can be quite frisky. There are cats that are true
some that can be quite rude.
There are some cats who are very keen
and there are others who you hardly see.
There are cute cats,
and some ugly ones,
some sweet cats
and, some mean ones.
one thing all cats
have in common is
that they are free to
do what they please.

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